NEWS RELEASE for All Amateur Radio Publications
11-14-2011 DXCC Territories (modified 26AUG2016 to 13 not 16 territories).
Meet WUST, A New DX Award

Awesome wallpaper, challenging and requires minimal paper work
It has been a long time since a significant award has been offered to DXers and it requires submitting only 16 QSL cards with a user-friendly application. WUST is an acronym for Worked United States Territories , sponsored by the Metro DX Club located in suburban Chicago . Some of these 16 WUST territories can be heard regularly but many appear on the list of the 25 most wanted countries and can only be worked during a DXpedition to that location. Don’t let this scare you away however, because you can qualify for the basic award by confirming only 14 of the 16 territories. Your remaining two can be confirmed later and endorsements are available that will signify that you have reached the ultimate goal.
The 16 WUST territories effective January 1, 2011 are: KG4 (Guantanamo Bay), KHØ (Mariana Islands), KH1 (Baker & Howland Islands), KH2 (Guam), KH3 (Johnston Island), KH4 (Midway Island), KH5 (Palmyra & Jarvis Islands), KH5K (Kingman Reef), KH7K (Kure Island), KH8 (American Samoa), KH8S (Swains Island), KH9 (Wake Island), KP1 (Navassa Island), KP2 (US Virgin Islands), KP4 (Puerto Rico) and KP5 (Desecheo Island).
Confirmations can be on mixed bands and modes and there are no date restrictions. No, it’s not as easy as you may have thought, but remember, this is a DX award. It’s not a simple certificate acknowledging contact with a special event station or commemorating an occasion. You can proudly display this distinctive certificate in your ham shack and show it to fellow hams acknowledging your efforts in the world of DX. Remember, only 14 QSL cards get you started on the road to WUST and not 341 that are required to make number 1 on the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll. If you don’t want to take the chance of mailing 16 valuable QSL cards, photocopies of confirmations will be accepted. In addition, Logbook of the World confirmations are OK and must be verified by two licensed amateur radio operators. Plus, if you are NUMBER ONE on the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll and your station call appears on the list dated August 2010 you’ll not be required to send any confirmations for the WUST award. Simply file an application along with 8 US dollars. Mail your submission to the Metro DX Club, 3810 N. Chamlin Drive, Morris, IL 60450. Following the receipt of the original award for a minimum of 14 territories, endorsements for contact 15 and 16 are available for 3 US dollars. For additional information, go online to E-mail questions should be sent to .
The new sunspot cycle is finally upon us and the bands are wide open. So what are you waiting for? If DXing is your call then WUST must be on the wall!