Metro DX Club September 2023 Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2023
We had an in person meeting this month as well as offering a ZOOM option for those unable to attend. Thanks to John K9EL for his assistance.
The meeting was called to order by our President Jim N9TK. In attendance besides Jim were K9DRS, W9KXT, NE9A, KA9IUC, K9GA, WU9D, W9EWZ, K9EL, W9ILY, WT2P, N2BJ, KD9UTJ, KD9VQG, W9MK, WB9FMC.
MINUTES Mike W9MK motioned to accept the July minutes, it was seconded by Steve W9KXT and approved. Our August meeting was held jointly with NIDXA which was mostly a social get together.
HEALTH AND WELFARE No current issues were reported
TREASURER’S REPORT John W9ILY reports that the Club had no income since July. Our current expenses included a domain renewal cost and a Club donation of $200 to the W9DXCC coffee fund. Detailed Treasurer reports are filed on our site.
WUST No WUST awards to report.
CONTESTS Several members participated in the recent RTTY contest. CJ WT2P joined a multi/multi op remotely. His team scored 2nd place worldwide and #1 in NA. Barry N2BJ operated from Omaha remotely to his home station.
CAQP coming up. Usually lots of activity.
ILQP 10/22 We have the travelling plaque having been the top team the last 2 years. CJ WT2P is planning a mobile trip activating some rare counties.
CQWW phone coming up
CWops CWT sessions offer good CW practice every Wednesday.
See the WA7BNM contest site for details on this and other upcoming events.
W9DXCC Many members attended this successful event.
DX ON THE BANDS Lots of DX has been reported. DXpeditions coming up include Swains, Juan Fernandez and T32. Clipperton Island is coming up in January.
TUESDAY LUNCHES We are going to ask members to pick a favorite restaurant when it’s their turn instead of Jim and John deciding where to go.
NOVEMBER BOARD ELECTIONS The current board has agreed to serve another year. Elections will be next month.
SPECIAL EVENT Tossed around some ideas and are looking for more. The Club has had some successful Special events in the past. We are looking to possibly charge for certificates/QSL’s and donate the proceeds to our DXpedition fund or other worthy ham radio event.
Lots of DX on the bands, including some nice VHF/UHF openings reported by Bob W9EWZ. John K9DRS recommended a book by Ward Silver N0AX , Zone of Iniquity, which members might find interesting. George K9GA outlined several DXpeditions that are coming up.
We were pleased to have CJ WT2P present and explain N1MM contest shortcuts. For a full description and visual of CJ’s presentation, see the meeting recording.
Submitted by Lee WA9LEY
Metro Secretary
Your secretary (me) was travelling in the Baltics and missed the meeting. My minutes were gathered from the meeting recording.