Field Day is in the rear view mirror and your Metro DX Club had fun and put W9TY on the air! The club finished with 1,196 QSOs and a score of 4,784 in Class 2E, home station with emergency power, plus bonus points. Not a bad showing! Thanks to our host Jim, N9TK, for a great, comfortable location and LOTS of delicious food. There certainly was enough for all! Thanks to George W9GJY for the use of his Honda generator that performed perfectly and quietly. Thanks to our club members N9TK, WA9LEY, K9CJ, NE9A, K9GA, W9ILY and KD9NYP who joined together to make this a successful event. Lee took several photos of the operation that are posted below.
We found 6 meters to be quite a disappointment this year. Here is the score breakdown:
ARRL Section : IL
Band Mode QSOs Pts
3.5 CW 65 130
7 CW 392 784
14 CW 529 1058
21 CW 178 356
21 FT8 1 2
50 FT8 31 62
Total 1,196 2,392
Score : 4,784
Bonus points: 350
Total score: 5,134