Well folks, here’s our results. Many thanks to all that participated. We were 7th place for 2E on contest scores online. Our goal was 1500 qsos and we came really close. Another 10 minutes would have made it. But OTOH, Field Day is not a contest, right?
Band Mode QSOs Pts
3.5 CW 181 362 probably could have done better on 80 CW
3.5 FT4 61 122
3.5 FT8 8 16
3.5 LSB 9 9
7 CW 636 1272 definitely the money band
7 LSB 25 25
14 CW 340 680
14 USB 3 3
21 CW 162 324 15 was really hot on Sunday morning. WT2P rate was over 150/hr for a while
50 FT4 6 12
50 FT8 43 86 6 meter guys are patient souls
50 USB 14 14
Total Both 1488 2925
Score: 5,850
We’ll have some bonus points that will bring us over 6000K.
A fun time was had by all I think ;). Food was great, air conditioning was great, all the equipment worked well, and nobody got wet. We had great camaraderie and it was good to get together. Everyone was respectful of our requirements and hopefully no one brought or left with a virus.
Thanks to those who stayed up all night making q’s. Thanks to Laura and Brenda for providing us with some great food.
Thanks to George W9GJY for loaning his awesome Honda Gensets. I’ve got to get one of those. We ran them on propane which was really convenient.
Many others contributed, thanks!
Jim N9TK

Our host – N9TK at the controls