Metro DX Club February 2024 Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2024
We had an in person meeting this month as well as offering a ZOOM option for those unable to attend. We met on a Thursday so members could operate during the ARRL DX CW contest that starts Friday.
The meeting was called to order by our President Patrick W9PDS. In attendance besides Patrick were NV9X, N9TK, NE9A, W9KM, K9ACM, K9GA, K9CJ, K9DRS, W9EWZ, W9ILY, KA9IUC, WA9LEY, and guest Gopi VU3UNZ. Some attending were via ZOOM.
MINUTES: George K9GA motioned to accept the November minutes, it was seconded by Jim N9TK and approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: John W9ILY reports that the Club had income of $1414 from dues, donations from WB9Z, NV9L, K9NU, K9GA, W9GJY, WB9FMC, Winterfest split the pot income of $65 and $800 Winterfest receipts. Among the expenses were $800 to Papa Joe’s for our Winterfest dinner and $150 Metro donated as one of the Winterfest grand prizes. Detailed Treasurer reports are filed on our site.
DUES: We still have 5 members who have not paid Club dues. Some have indicated they will respond. Several will be dropped from our membership rolls. John W9ILY will send emails to those involved.
WUST: No WUST awards to report.
CONTESTS: This weekend is ARRL DX CW. WT2P and N9TK will be part of a Multi op team at K9CT. Many in attendance indicated they will be active from their home stations.Next week is 160 SSB and NAQP RTTY. ARRL SSB is coming up soon.
DX: Juan Fernandez and Guyana DXpeditions have been very active on all bands.
WINTERFEST: 25 members and families attended. There were prizes for everyone.
FIELD DAY: Mel NE9A offered a site for the Club to consider. It is located at Bolt Field in Monee and we have the Civil Air Patrol building available to us Several members made a couple of site visits and report it’s a nice site with plenty of room for antenna and operating positions. Photos were shown to those attending to view. The noise issue first reported has been resolved. There are no trees so push up masts will be needed. A committee will be set up for planning. Please volunteer if you can help with this. More to follow.
POTA: We discussed having a Parks on the Air outing when it gets warmer as a POTA activation/picnic with food. It will give members an into to the POTA program and a chance to operate at a leisurely pace. Also discussed was a seafaring activation by boat to a shipwreck off of Indiana Dunes park.
Club Discord Server: Set up by Andriy W9KM offers DX spots, ham radio sales and general chatting. Some members have been actively using it during contests.
Future Presentations: Patrick has lined up SMC in March and W3UR for April.
6 meter openings to Juan Fernandez have been reported with some of our members getting through. Great conditions on all bands. It has been reported that the upcoming ARRL DX CW contest will have conditions not seen in 20 years.
George K9GA motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Jim NV9X and the meeting was adjourned.
We were pleased to have K9GA, W9KM and W9EWZ present an informative presentation on Meteor Scatter on 2 and 6 meters. Both technical and operating information were discussed. To oversimplify, it’s pretty easy to participate, especially if you are using WSJTX for FT8. Just select MSK144 as your mode in the drop down screen and select the correct frequency. There are other things to consider to be successful but one member made a few contacts last December during the Geminids meteor shower with just an attic loop antenna. A big key is to know when the meteor shower events during the year are expected to happen. Bob W9EWZ supplied the following links that will explain meteor shower operating in more depth.
VK4UN, Kevin Johnson
WB8BZK, Mike Metroka
Submitted by Lee WA9LEY
Metro Secretary