Our thanks to the over 1,000 stations contacting W9C in 2020!
The Metro DX Club’s 2020 Special Event operation, operated June 19-21, 2020. The event recalled the huge Crescent City FIREBALL that occurred on Father’s Day, June 21, 1970. The tragic event happened during the early morning hours when this small town’s peace was shattered.
Read all the details here: https://www.firehouse.com/home/article/10467137/crescent-city-train-derailment-40-years-later

Certificates for confirmation of contacts will be prepared and distributed as soon as possible, hopefully no later than August 1, 2020. A donation of US$5.00 would be appreciated for a printed certificate/QSL with the proceeds exceeding costs to be donated to the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure. Check our listing in the June 2020 QST. Operations of W9C will occur on all bands 80 through 2 meters (excluding 60 meters) on CW, SSB and Digital between 1300Z and 0100Z (from morning throughout the day and evening) at various times and various modes throughout the operation period. Operations concentrated on 7050, 7280, 14050, 14280, 21050, 21280 and other frequencies as needed.
A certificate to be returned by email may be requested by sending an email to n9tk@att.net.
A nice printed certificate of accomplishment and QSL card for your contact is available. A donation of US$5.00 would be appreciated with the proceeds to be donated to the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure (CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS OF THE Youth DX Adventure). Please indicate your QSO date, time, frequency, mode and signal report.
To receive a printed certificate and QSL card, please send your donation of $5.00 and a self-addressed 9×12 envelope with three (3) ounces postage ($1.40) attached to N9TK, our QSL manager for W9C:
Metro DX Club
c/o Jim Mornar N9TK
8607 W. Kendall Lane
Orland Park, IL 60462