April 2024

Metro DX Club April 2024 Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2024

We had an in person meeting this month as well as offering a ZOOM option for those unable to attend. The meeting was called to order by our President Patrick W9PDS. In attendance besides Patrick were N9TK, WT2P, N9LAH, NV9X, W9GJY, W9KXT, NE9A, W9ILY, W3UR, KD9ZLO, W9EWZ, KC9EOQ, W9MK, K9RR, N9LB, K9GA, WB8BZK, W9AS, K9ZO, WA9LEY. Some attending were via ZOOM.


ROUNDTABLE: This month we began with introductions and a brief update of member activities.  George K9GA reported on many DX stations that have been active recently.

MINUTES:  CJ WT2P motioned to accept the March minutes, it was seconded by Jim N9TK and approved.

HEALTH AND WELFARE:  No health issues reported. 

TREASURER’S REPORT:  John W9ILY reports that the Club had no income this past month.  Our expenses included  donations of $100 to INDEXA, $100 to Club Log, and  a web charge of $14.85. Detailed Treasurer reports are filed on our groups.io site.

WUST:  No WUST awards to report.


PROPOSED DONATIONS:  A motion was made to support the upcoming N5J Jarvis DXpedition with a $150 donation. George K9GA made the motion and it was seconded by CJ WT2P.

Glorioso was mentioned as well but we will defer to our rules and make a decision. Normally we support WUST entities and other non WUST DXpeditions when a member is one of the operators.

CONTESTS: This weekend is CQMM and some QSO parties including the Michigan QP. Upcoming QP’s include FLQP and INQP.

HAMVENTION:  May 17-May 19.  Many members plan to attend.

DX MARATHON:  Results have been released with some members scoring big.

K9EL  #2 Unlimited Class

K9EL  #1 North America

N2BJ  #4 Unlimited Class

N2BJ  #2 North America

K9GA  #1 Limited Class Call Area 9

K9CJ  #3 World 40 meters single band
Check the DX Marathon site for your personal score and more details.  


ACTIVE DX:  TT8, TX7W A8OK are all DXpeditions on now.

WEB SITE:  CJ WT2P has been busy updating the Metro web site.  He would also like to include a member spotlight with photos and station info. Send CJ your photos and info about yourself and station.

MORE ABOUT CJ:  CJ WT2P was part of a Multi op entry in the Missouri QSO party and he reports they have finished #1. 

FIELD DAY:  June 22-23. Our site this year is located at Bult Field in Monee and we have the Civil Air Patrol building available to us.  Patrick will set up a planning meeting via ZOOM for Monday April 22nd.  He will send invitations via the reflector. Please attend if you can.
CJ WT2P motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by George K9GA and the meeting was adjourned.


We were pleased to have the editor of The Daily DX newsletter, Bernie W3UR  make his presentation of the TOP 25DX ENTITIES . Bernie mentioned that Club Log is the standard for wanted countries. Many DXpeditioners use it for planning of where to go as well as what bands and modes hams need.
#1  North Korea  only 4 approved operations since 1995

#2  Scarborough  last op 2007

#3  San Felix  last op 2002  rumored that a group is working on this one

#4  Pratas  last op 2003

#5  Kure  Last op 2005  a group is working on this one

Bernie goes into detail on these and the others in the top 25.  Very interesting info for DXers.  Watch the attached video of his presentation.   https://youtu.be/PZay1AeulQk

Submitted by Lee WA9LEY

Metro Secretary