December 2023

Metro DX Club December 2023 Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2023

We had an in person meeting this month as well as offering a ZOOM option for those unable to attend.

The meeting was called to order by our President Jim N9TK. In attendance besides Jim were  WT2P, K9DRS, K9CJ, W9ILY, WA0I, W9KM, W9KXT, W9PDS, NG9R, K9LSH, W9EWZ, K9GA, K9KJ, visitor Tony Martinez, and WA9LEY.  Some attending were via ZOOM.

We had an abbreviated business meeting this month.


MINUTES:  Minutes from the November meeting were seconded  and approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: John W9ILY reports that the Club had dues income of $150.00 the previous month and incurred no expenses. Detailed Treasurer reports are filed on our site.

DUES: We were reminded that Club dues for next year remain at $15 and can be paid at a meeting, via PAYPAL, ( A payment of the $15.00 dues may be made by PayPal to When paying by PayPal, please indicate the payment is being made to “friends or family”) , or by mail to the Club address on our website.


WINTERFEST: The board decided to hold the event again this year at Papa Joe’s on Friday, January 19th. The details were announced a few weeks ago and a reminder will be sent to members on the reflector next week. A few nice door prizes have already arrived with more on the way.

FIELD DAY: Mel NE9A offered a possible site in Monee for the Club to consider next year.  Several members made a site visit and reported there’s plenty of room for antennas and inside the building, there’s plenty of room for operating positions. Jim N9TK has offered his home as another option again this year should the Monee location fall through. 

BOARD ELECTIONS: Jim N9TK had announced last month that he was stepping down as the Club President. Patrick W9PDS was nominated and agreed or run for Jim’s position in our election this month. Other current board members agreed to serve another year. With no opposition, Patrick is now our new President and our other officers, CJ WT2P, John W9ILY and Lee WA9LEY were voted in for another year. Congratulations to all.

THANKS JIM: The Club expressed their gratitude and appreciation for Jim’s many years of dedicated service with a thunderous round of applause. He commented that he’s not going anywhere and will be around for Club activities. He also praised his successor Patrick W9PDS and looks forward to his leadership in the Metro DX Club.    

The meeting was adjourned for our annual PIZZA PARTY. Thanks to John and Larry for picking up the pizzas. 

Submitted by Lee WA9LEY

Metro Secretary